Successful National Spring Clean Month 2013 in Wexford

Wexford town has just completed its most intensive and successful National Spring Clean campaign yet. Each Saturday this month there were dozens of volunteers out at various locations litter-picking, sweeping, painting, pruning and generally making our town look more beautiful.

springcleanup2013 There was also the opening, earlier this week, of the attractive new biodiversity-friendly “pocket” park on 1798 Street, an initiative spearheaded by Wexford Tidy Towns in association with Wexford Borough Council. This is the most visible result to date of the new Biodiversity Committee.

The culmination of the month-long campaign came yesterday with a humungous clean-up at The Rocks, Maudlintown. With the number of volunteers up by at least 100% over 300 bags of waste were collected and that’s not counting out-size items such as mattresses and the like. Full credit to the Maudlintown community and St Mary’s GFC for getting out in such force. One not insignificant result of yesterday’s clean-up was that it allowed Wexford people see what a wonderful asset they have tucked away in a corner of the town.

The net result of this major Spring Clean campaign is that Wexford now looks better than ever and people are going to be more insistent than ever that it be kept that way. With Wexford-in-Bloom is just around the corner we can expect the town to look even better again as it dons it floral glad-rags!

Volunteers getting their orders at The Rocks!


Posted in Cleanups, Tidy Towns Competition, Tidy Towns News